Puppy Slut

Puppy Slut

Puppy Slut

Puppy Slut's videos on Jessroyan
Puppy Slut have played in 1 gay videos on JessRoyan.com and 2 videos on our other websites

Here's another fucking great plan from Mr. Jess. A young puppy 'is waiting for him in a corner of a public park, in jock, 4 legs, in puppy, holes offered. Jess arrives and puts him in his trainers before he gets his little bitch ass in a box.

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Kevin DAVID gets a puppy in my glory holes
PUPPY's bareback duel in a Bordeaux park
Kevin DAVID gets a puppy in my glory holes
PUPPY's bareback duel in a Bordeaux park
Kevin DAVID gets a puppy in my glory holes
PUPPY's bareback duel in a Bordeaux park
Kevin DAVID gets a puppy in my glory holes
PUPPY's bareback duel in a Bordeaux park